Wilson Davis, Dallas Arthur, Richard Arthur,
Paul Damren, Kenny Davis, Ronnie Fulcher,
Randy Grady, Manley Gaskill, Tony Hancock,
Sterling Hancock, Rick Heal, Carroll Hill, Dale Lewis,
Kenny Lewis, Terry Lewis, Fred Nelson,
Crawford Pigott, Brad Piner, Braxton Piner,
Butch Saunders, Milton Scott, Joe (Boy) Willis
and George Zurenko.
Founder: Joe (Boy Willis); Management Team:
Wilson Davis, Crawford Pigott and Joe (Boy) Willis.
Team over next 5 years would win 88% of their
1970s Dallas Wayne Arthur – Eastern Blues Baseball
1976 Gray’s Baseball Team
1970s Harkers Island Hawks Front Row: Rodney Guthrie, David Ronald Guthrie, Ronald Davis, Bradley Guthrie, Charlie Scott, Kevin Brooks, Anthony Davis.
Back Row: Wayne Davis, Tim Mason, Henry Brooks, Joel Hancock, Jerry Guthrie, Tony Hancock
EB Richard Arthur & Joe Boy Willis
1978 Salter Path Baseball Team, Seashore League Champions