Billy Widgeon

Billy Widgeon’s career is marked by accomplishments as a high school and collegiate player and hundreds of wins as a coach in both men’s and women’s basketball. Throughout his life, Billy accepted each and evert accolade with appreciation and humility. He enjoyed sports of any kind, playing always for the love of the game. He carried his love of sports into coaching high school athletes, turning down several offers to coach at the college level. His passion was working with high school students to help them develop their full potential, both in the classroom and in athletics.


 Billy Widgeon


Billy was a coach’s coach, always epitomizing those ideals that each young coach aspires to be …

         Although Billy’s records speak for his great coaching abilities, there is something deeper that can never be shown in a won/loss column – the impact he had on players in developing character and values … Billy Widgeon’s impact can be viewed in the testimonies of those who say on the sidelines and watched him in action and in the contributions his players have made in life.

Chuck Lewis, Fellow Coach